On a Healing Journey with Ani Choying Drolma
In person, Ani Choying Drolma’s “heavenly voice” penetrates into our heart and soul, taking us on a transformative journey of healing.
Can Contemporary Buddhist Art Be the Middle Way to Enlightenment?
Taiwanese artist Chen-Yu Chang’s highly meditative paintings, on view at the exhibition Superimposition, Entanglement, and Excitation, bring us to the intersection of millennia-old Buddhist wisdom and the quantum world.
“The Monk and the Gun” and the Paradox of Life
In his latest film, The Monk and the Gun, director Pawo Choyning Dorji crafts an intriguing narrative that compels viewers to reexamine their pursuits and priorities in life.
Beyond Myth: Embracing the “Asura Marga” for Modern Living
In the midst of the chaos prevailing in our time, the Asura Marga – the Asura way of living – emerges as a guiding light, illuminating a path for individuals to lead bold and purposeful lives.
A Cinematic Reincarnation with “Samsara”
Spanish director Lois Patiño takes spectators on an unconventional cinematic journey through reincarnation, where the unexpected unfolds: I — a mere viewer — died in the cinema, only to be reborn.