On a Healing Journey with Ani Choying Drolma
In person, Ani Choying Drolma’s “heavenly voice” penetrates into our heart and soul, taking us on a transformative journey of healing.
Divine Calligraphy: Sacred Letters of the Himalaya
Writing has always held a special place in my heart. Yet, it took a serendipitous encounter with the calligraphy practiced by people of the Himalayas to awaken me to the sacred potency inherent in written words.
Revolutionary Visionaries of Bhutanese Art Illuminate Taipei
From the distant land of Bhutan, two visionary artists — Asha Kama and Gyempo Wangchuk — have brought their latest works to the bustling heart of Taipei city. Their introspective works beckon the viewers to embark on a profound journey of contemplation, inviting us to seek meaning amidst the perpetual flux of the world.