Wander in Malaysia: Houses of Allah
From mosques poised above water to those carved from pink granite or forged in steel, these sacred spaces stand as unifying expressions of faith, devotion, and spirituality of Malaysia’s Muslim communities.
Shaping the Malay World: Islam in “Oceans That Speak”
The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia’s latest exhibition, Oceans That Speak, explores the role of Islam in shaping the Malay World, once a maritime trade hub and cultural crossroads.
Art on the Rooftops: Taiwan’s Inlaid Porcelain Tradition
Taiwan’s inlaid porcelain tradition, also known as “jiannian,” is a hallmark of the island’s temple culture, shaping its visual and spiritual identity with meticulously crafted rooftop embellishments.
On a Healing Journey with Ani Choying Drolma
In person, Ani Choying Drolma’s “heavenly voice” penetrates into our heart and soul, taking us on a transformative journey of healing.
Can Contemporary Buddhist Art Be the Middle Way to Enlightenment?
Taiwanese artist Chen-Yu Chang’s highly meditative paintings, on view at the exhibition Superimposition, Entanglement, and Excitation, bring us to the intersection of millennia-old Buddhist wisdom and the quantum world.
Wander in India: Qutb Minar Complex
The Qutb Minar complex, one of the most visited destinations in India’s bustling capital, not only illuminates a unique fusion of Indic and Muslim architectural traditions but also tells compelling stories of power, conquest, and faith.
Wander in India: The National Museum
Home to over 5,000 years of India’s history and culture, the National Museum in New Delhi weaves a compelling narrative of diversity and inclusivity as the nation navigates its identity.
Wander in India: Galtaji
About a half-hour drive from Jaipur's city centre lies Galtaji, an ancient pilgrimage site that can lead you to the ultimate reality, if you seek it.
Wander in India: Standing at the Crossroad of Faiths
From ancient temples to sacred rivers, nowhere else have I encountered such a vibrant mosaic of religious diversity as in India.
Wander in India: Swaminarayan Akshardham
While wandering in India’s capital, I stumbled upon Swaminarayan Akshardham, a relatively young Hindu temple. Little did I know that within its sacred confines lay an experience that would lead me down an unexpected path.